Mijenta Cristalino Tequila 750ml

$109.99 $73.69

With their passion for innovation, they identified through experimentation with wood from around the world and a range of techniques, the ideal barrels, the best charcoal and the perfect process to create an amazing Cristalino.

SKU: 850015899034 Category: Tag:

Crystal clear yet impossibly rich and smooth, Mijenta Cristalino Tequila is completely unexpected. With their passion for innovation, they identified through experimentation with wood from around the world and a range of techniques, the ideal barrels, the best charcoal and the perfect process to create an amazing Cristalino.

  • Expression: Reposado Cristalino
  • Aroma: Complex notes of maple, caramel, coffee, coconut, toffee, fruity notes of citrus, honey, and of course, cooked agave.
  • Palate: The bouquet of flavors is sweet and silky, with enduring notes of coconut, vanilla, maple, chocolate, coffee and cooked agave.
  • Color: Crystal clear, bright and transparent.




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